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Winter is Nearly Here! Ski Shows, Early Snow & Winnie The Pooh - WE’RE EXCITED!

5th November 2012 | Posted by: Rich Evans
Thank God Summer is over!
Winnie The Pooh in the snow!

The clocks have gone back, the Ski Shows (Birmingham, London and Freeze) have all been and gone, the weather is getting colder, the ski mags are dropping on the doormats and we are excited!  That must mean that summer is over and winter is nearly here!

So what will this season bring?  What will the season be like for snow?  What has changed in the resorts?  Where will the best places to ski be?  What are the best ski and snowboard deals available?

As ever there is a load of new skis, snowboards and kit available and technology makes leaps and bounds – we particularly liked these new hi tech googles that wouldn't be out of place in a James Bond film!

We have loved the pictures and reports of early snow across most of the Alps which bodes well for the season though this can change very quickly as we wrote about in a blog last season.

What are your plans for this winter? Hopefully you will be able to make it out there for a ski holiday at some time this season – do check out our special deals and offers page on our website to find some ski accommodation that suits you and your budget!

The more it snows
(Tiddly Pom)
The more it goes
(Tiddly Pom)
The more it goes
(Tiddly Pom)
On snowing.

And nobody knows
(Tiddly Pom)
How cold my toes
(Tiddly Pom)
How cold my toes
(Tiddly Pom)
Are growing.

We may just be a little excited! How about you?

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