Ski Blog | Skiers - Advanced

16th December 2015 | Posted by: Rich Evans

Where’s the snow?

Are you panicking yet?  Have you got a Christmas ski holiday or New Year ski trip booked and been scared by the media that you won’t have any snow when you go skiing?

Yes it’s the usual annual media free for all - writing scare stories, overhyping, sensationalising and making things up!  Really? The press do that? Surely not I hear you say!  Afraid so I say!

It seems to happen every year – either at the beginning of December or nearer Christmas depending on what they have to fill up their grubby pages with.

Right now if you believe the press you’d think it was a disaster but there are loads of resorts opening early.  How does that work then?

It will snow – it always does.  It’s just a case of when does it arrive? Sometimes it comes early and sometimes later – last year for example Christmas skiing wasn’t great but over one weekend it dumped and New Year week was powder snow heaven!

Not so great if you were out at Christmas of course but the panic and concern for New Year skiers was gone overnight – well unless you were stuck in a snowy traffic jam for 12 hours!  You can’t win can you?

Anyway we can’t control it and if you skied at a certain time last season it doesn’t mean that the weather and snow will be equally good or bad at the same time this season!

Yes I do really get phone calls asking to go the second week in March as last year the snow was…… anyway that’s a different story!

Whenever and wherever you go we hope you get a load of snow!  

And if you don’t then remember you are on holiday and get out and explore the resort and fill your days with all of those off slope activities you keep meaning to do every year but never do because you don’t want to miss a days skiing. Enjoy! 

Anna from Plumb Solar enjoying time in Avoriaz and Morzine
30th November 2015 | Posted by: Rich Evans

On a Ski & Snowboard Holiday in Morzine

This is a guest blog from Anna Casswell who loves going on ski & snowboard holidays to Morzine - here's why...


I love Morzine for two main reasons – The Stash and The Mutzig!

The Stash in Avoriaz is a fun snow playground with natural wooden features.  You can ride down through the trees and discover the rainbow logs, picnic tables, wooden benches and walls, look out for Shreddie the big wooden stash monkey. There are different routes with different hits, and it’s much less scary than going in the Parks with the big boys and the loud music and the hard metal boxes and rails!

Mutzig is the infamous lager that is served in several places, but the best place of all has to be Bar Robinson. No English Seasonaires serving here, Robbos is run by 3 old French locals and it closes at 8pm so you must go straight from the slopes, enjoy 3 or 4 glasses (any more and you might regret it) and have fun staggering back to the chalet in time for dinner remembering to pick up your board/skis on the way out.

I love getting tipsy whilst still in my snowboard gear, sobering up over dinner, getting to bed before midnight (I am nearly 40) and getting up bright and early with no hangover, ready to hit the Stash again.


When not skiing, boarding and er.....drinking Anna helps run Plumb Solar who are experts in the installation of, servicing and repair of Solar Thermal Systems - helping keep your energy bills down & slowing the global warming so we can all go on ski and snowboard holidays for longer! grin 

New Generation Ski School
27th October 2015 | Posted by: Rich Evans

Debunking 11 Skiing Myths!



This is a guest blog by Sara from New Generation Ski & Snowboard School


Whether you're a beginner or have skied for years it's hard to know if what you're doing is right, with so much contrasting advice out there. Especially, as what we know to be correct now, is very different from what was advised back when skinny skis were the norm. So if, like me, your legs appear to be tied together, or you're wondering whether you really should be leaning back off piste, here are a few ski myths demystified by one of our Courchevel instructors.

Bend the knees – MYTH!

Actually you need to bend the ankles. If you bend your knees then you sit back and will be out of balance. The flex should actually start from the ankle which means your hips and knees will follow and you'll stay centred

Lean forward – MYTH!

Try to avoid leaning forward. Instead, aim to be central. This is so you can use the whole of the ski from tip to toe, and your pivot point for initiating the turn is right under your foot.

Ski boots should hurt – MYTH!

Ski boots are not meant to be tight or uncomfortable. They should be well fitted. No movement in your foot, but you should be able to wiggle your toes.

Wear thick ski socks to keep your feet warm – MYTH! 

Wearing thin, non-cotton socks will give you a better feel for your boot and ski. Wearing two pairs, or socks to thick, will make you hot and sweaty, and then as you cool down will make you cold.

I'm too old / young to ski – MYTH! - probably not! It doesn't matter if you are three or 83. While learning to ski might be tiring, if you are physically active in everyday life, then you should be able to learn to ski. It’s like riding a bike.

I must ski with my feet as close together as possible – MYTH!

Having a wide, shoulder-width stance keeps you balanced and centred.

I need to dig my edges in when it's icy – MYTH!

Actually, you need less edge and more balance.

It's safe to ski off piste if there are tracks to follow – MYTH!

You don't know how experienced those skiers or boarders are, or what equipment they had. You might even be following parapent tracks! It’s best not to take that risk.

I have an airbag and transceiver. I am safe to go off piste – MYTH!

Unless you know the area and all your party have experience and training on how to use the equipment then you could be at risk. If in doubt, go with a guide or instructor.

When skiing off piste you should always lean back – MYTH!

You should try to maintain a centred balance to manipulate the skis under your feet. If you bring your skis closer together, bounce more and stay centred you’ll feel the joy of skiing powder.

I can ski black runs and fast so I don't need lessons – MYTH! Actually skiing in control and rate of descent is the challenging part. We can help you explore the mountain safely and improve your technique.

Hopefully that has cleared up some of those nagging questions you’ve always pondered as you your mind wanders on that cold chair lift. If you’ve got any other myths you’d like debunking then drop us a line to and we’ll get one of our instructor team on the case. 

Into The Mind Film at Clapham Grand
9th October 2013 | Posted by: Rich Evans

Altitude Holidays Review of Into The Mind


Usually sat on the end of telephone speaking to ski accommodation providers discussing our website we released Charlie from his desk and sent him along to the Premiere of Into The Mind.

This is what he thought......




On October 2nd, I found myself delighted to be en-route to Clapham Grand to watch the Ski/Snowboard film premiere of the year – Into The Mind. A few months ago I had watched the thought-provoking trailer and it clearly set this one apart from the rest. This film was going to be different from the usual pro team edits that crop up through out the year and I was ready!

“Into the Mind” is from the same creators that bought us the movie “All I Can”. This brings with it a certain element of expectation. The film ticked the boxes with some awesome cinematography alongside timelapses, slow-mo and dramatic landscape shots so frequently associated with big-budget ski films. However, it also brought a lot more that the audience probably didn’t expect!

When interviewed by National Geographic “Into the Mind” Director, Dave Mossop described the concept of his latest project;

“Into the Mind satisfies two of my deep-seated goals. One of them is that I’ve always been fascinated with dreams.

The second goal deals with death. I’ve lost a lot of friends in mountains over the years due to avalanches and head injuries. It’s very powerful. The incredible thing about using skiing or snowboarding as the centerpiece of your movie is that you can live and die doing these sports. You can have the greatest single moment you can ever possibly have on Earth, or you could die. The film is really a meditation on the moment of choice you have before you potentially kill yourself in the mountains. It plays out three scenarios that are the outcome of that decision. “

My advice? When you watch this film put your creative head on. It’s unquestionably deep. It questions the life-death choice that skiers and boarders make when stood at the top of a mountain about to drop and it looks into the dreams that encourage us to achieve our wildest of aspirations.  Basically, it tries to capture what makes us tick.

At times you are presented with the epic shots of in-your face downright rad-iculous steaze. This is mostly when the film depicts “dreams”.  Then you jump back to “reality”, to the more down-to-earth storyline that glues the whole film together. Yes it can be confusing at times but with your creative head on you will need to just accept this.

So appreciate the artiness of the film, the soundtrack that has been chosen to accompany the chapters and the ride it takes you on! Perhaps Into the Mind isn’t the ski movie I personally hoped it would be but it certainly is a ski movie and it’s pretty bloody epic then you have your ‘creative head’ on.

We want to see it again as it’s definitely gotten into our mind…. See what you think!  You can see it again or for the first time in Edinburgh on Monday 14th October (Ed.) 

Big thanks go to Emily Millns from Sub Zero Events, for organising the event and inviting Altitude Holidays along to the Premiere. A great night was had by all and it’s always good to see so many heads from around the industry… especially in the U.K!


30th April 2013 | Posted by: Rich Evans

The Ski Season That Doesn’t Want To End!


Wow what a season that was!  Well when I say was perhaps I should be saying is, as it isn’t really over if you look at the snow that is still around!

Ok it is over in terms of the majority of the resorts now being closed but there is still a load of snow and if you are into your hiking and touring this will be a great touring season – take care of avalanches etc though as when things warm up it can be dangerous out there!


A was very luck to get a lot of skiing in this year and had trips to the Alps in December / January a couple of weeks in February and then again in March/April and each time I was there it snowed!

If you haven’t seen our YouTube channel then head over here and have a look at some of the videos that we put together. You can see snow reports and some skiing videos that we put together.

Everywhere we went there was great snow and tales of great skiing! 

We were lucky to visit Le Grand Massif (Flaine, Les Carroz, Samoens & Morillon), Avoriaz and Morzine, Verbier, MegeveChamonix, Courchevel and La Rosiere through the season.

The best skiing we had was probably in February – watch it here and see me nearly ski into a tree!

So now the resorts are all winding up and we have a summer to endure before the winter comes back!  Don’t worry we’ll make the most of it and enjoy the sunshine and maybe get a bit jealous of the powder days in New Zealand and other southern hemisphere resorts!

Snowy Trees in Spring skiing conditions
1st March 2013 | Posted by: Rich Evans

When is too late too late to take a ski holiday?

‘Isn’t that too late?’ I am often asked when I suggest looking at a March or April ski holiday. For some reason most people seem to think that the ski season finishes at the end of March and that is it for another winter. And some people seem to think that all the snow melts in February!

Most resorts this season do not shut up shop until around April 21st and some even later than that!  I have seen many a season end with the lifts closing while there is still some great skiing to be had.  Seems such a waste! I've had several powder days in March and even April! 

March can be a great time to ski as can April!  You have got the snow base down already so there is plenty of snow to ski on and the days are longer and often warmer, it is the perfect time to enjoy a bit of sunshine and longer days.  You may not know but a lot of resorts put the closing times of their lifts back half an hour or an hour as the season progresses so you literally do have more time to ski!

That said why not make the most of it and have a long leisurely lunch in the sun or an après ski beer on the terrace of a bar and soak up the rays?  Can’t do that because it’s snowing? Oh well more snow to play in – definitely not too late to ski then!  

There can be some great deals around at this time of year as well for March and April holidays.   Check out our Ski Deals page for all the latest bargains – you won’t regret it!

Skiing amazing powder snow in Le Grand Massif
14th February 2013 | Posted by: Rich Evans | Comments: 1

14th February - Snow Report from Le Grand Massif

Wow! The snow has been amazing!

I have been lucky enough to be staying in Les Carroz for the last couple of weeks and it has barely stopped snowing!

Half Term is next week and there are still some February Half Term deals available - take a look at our Ski Deals page to find out more and click here for specific half term ski deals.

There is 4.5 meters of snow at the top of Flaine and this is pretty much the same across the Alps.  I have been to visit chalet owners in Morzine and Verbier in the last week or so and they are all reporting exactly the same!

We made a video of us having some fun in the powder last week - if you haven't seen it then do take a look at it here and you can see how much snow there has been!

It really is turning into an epic season!  The snow keeps falling and whenever you have booked a holiday you should be up for some great skiing!  If you haven't booked yet then keep an eye on our ski deals page for some great offers!

Watch a video of our latet snow report here...

14 February Snow Report

How deep is that snow?
9th February 2013 | Posted by: Rich Evans

SNOW, SNOW, SNOW - Amazing powder days!

It has been an epic season and it is only the beginning of February! 

Some are saying it's the best for 10 years, others the best for 14 and there are reports of record snow falls! 

If you are a good skier and enjoy skiing off piste and in the powder then the last couple of weeks you will have loved it!

If you are an intermediate it is a great time to learn as the powder is so light and fluffy and of course it is deep so when and that is when and not if you fall it won't hurt!  I really do subscribe to the 'if you don't fall you aren't trying' school! 

Your best bet is to have a lesson to learn the basics and not to develop bad habits - unless your friend who is offering to teach you is qualified then chances are they don't know what they are doing!!  For example - you do NOT lean back in powder so if anyone tells you that then tell them where to go and get some qualified advice!! 

Once you have mastered the basics then there really is nothing like floating through the powder! It is hard to put into words what it is like if you haven't experienced it! 

Go on get off piste and try it!  Of course if you do venture off piste you should make sure you have all the necessary safety equipment - transceiver, shovel and probe, and know how to use it!  Be safe and don't take risks!

We had some amazing days playing in the powder and have put this little video together....

Ski the Gaps! Amazing Powder - 6th & 7th February 2013

5th January 2013 | Posted by: Rich Evans

Snow Report from Chamonix

I took a little road trip to Chamonix yesterday via Megeve and although I was running around meeting loads of great people looking at chalets and hotels I  couldn't help but be blown away but the beauty of the Chamonix Valley!  Just stunning! 

Unfortunately I didn't have time to ski which was a real shame as I love skiing in Chamonix - so much variety and views that take your breath away!

Some of the people I caught up with were the lovely Breezy & Al who run Ski Breezy and they showed us round their lovely catered chalet which is in a great location, just ten minutes from the town centre, it is bright, comfortable and looks like a great place to stay - all the guests we have sent there have given us great feedback.  

Breezy was good enough to give us this update on the snow conditions in Chamonix.

Ski Breezy have some fabulous deals in the next couple of months - some good deals during January (prices reduced to just £595pp for 20th & 27th January) and some great flexible breaks from the end of January from just £85 per person per night!  Oh and they still have February Half Term available as well!!  Don't miss out on that one!

We have to go back to the UK but otherwise we would be very very tempted - the cup of tea we had was great and the guests we met had had a great stay and were tucking into some delicious looking cake....mmmmmmm...  

Note to self - check what time tea is served and time chalet visits better........wink

Ski Breezy - Chamonix Snow Report 4th January 2012

1st January 2013 | Posted by: Rich Evans

New Year’s Day Snow & Ski Deal Report!

We met and skied with Ian from Les Carroz Chalets on New Year's Day and he gave us a quick up date on the snow conditions in Les Carroz, Le Grand Massif.

It has been a great start to the season and Ian has some fantastic offers for January with short breaks available from just £50 per person per night.  And that is in a catered chalet on a half board basis!  

Close to Geneva - just an hours drive so a very short transfer and some great snow if you haven't booked and are looking for a deal then this is really worth looking at! Check out more details here.

Watch what Ian says......

Les Carroz Chalets New Year's Day Snow Report